Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sunday Salon: Pat of Silver Bush

Pat of Silver Bush. L.M. Montgomery. 1933. 288 pages. [Source: Bought]

Not sure if it's my mood or if Pat just isn't as interesting as Anne, Emily, the Story Girl, or Marigold. It is not that I expect every Montgomery heroine to be just like Anne. I like that Montgomery's heroines tend to be different from one another. But other than the fact that Pat eventually started liking boys, Pat doesn't really grow or change or transform. The highlights of this one: Pat meets Jingle (Hilary) a poor young boy with an unfortunate name and no mother. From the start, readers suspect that he will be the love interest if not in this one then in book two. Pat also meets a young girl named Bets. The two are good friends. I never felt a connection with Pat really, so it was hard to find a connection with Pat and her best friend. Still, I thought it sad that the only really big thing that happens in the novel (unless you count the oh-so-tense episode with the missing dog) is Bets' death. If readers find Judy interesting--her storytelling fun--then perhaps there is enough to make this one worth reading. I didn't like this one much.  
I read Pat of Silver Bush because it is my goal to read all of L.M. Montgomery's novels in just one year, and to read them chronologically in order of publication. I've only got four novels left:
Mistress Pat (1935)
Anne of Windy Poplars (1936)
Jane of Lantern Hill (1937) 
Anne of Ingleside (1939)

© 2013 of SukaYuka's Book Reviews

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